
Maryland ENT Associates is happy to be able to offer Earlens to the patients in our practice! Earlens delivers more complete sound than any acoustic hearing device and a bandwidth associated with more natural sound quality and better hearing in noise because it vibrates the eardrum direclty. In Earlens, a processor worn behind the ear sends an audio signal through the ear tip to a custom lens that rests directly on the eardrum. When the lens receives the signal, it gently vibrates the eardrum to activate the ear’s natural hearing system.

Most complete sound: Earlens can provide meaningful amplification from 125 Hz to 10 kHz, while conventional hearing aids have trouble amplifying outside of 550 Hz to 5.5 kHz. Research has shown that those lower and higher frequencies impact sound quality and speech understanding, especially in noisy environments.

Premium care: Earlens is the only nonsurgical solution that combines the care of an ENT physician with an audiologist or hearing health professional. With Earlens, you will receive the highest level of hearing health care.

Advanced, custom technology: Each Earlens solution includes a custom ear tip and lens to optimize comfort and fit based on an ear impression taken by our physicians. After they are ready, our physician will place the lens in your ear, and our audiologist will program Earlens to your unique hearing needs.

If you’ve tried hearing devices but are still not getting the hearing you desire, Earlens may be the solution. While not everyone is a candidate for Earlens, our audiologist can help to determine what’s right for you.


It can be extremely frustrating to constantly suffer from nasal symptoms, especially for no apparent reason. You’re not sick yet you have a perpetually runny nose, experience chronic nasal congestion, and endure constant post nasal drip (mucus from the sinus drip into the back of your throat). These are the telltale symptoms of chronic rhinitis, a condition that currently affects more than 24 million people in the US alone.

Treatments for chronic rhinitis include prescription or OTC nasal sprays, nasal drops, oral medications, and periodic allergy injections. However, these types of therapies may be ineffective or even harmful for the following reasons:

• They need to be used daily, which can be costly
• Effectiveness for improving symptoms fade away after a short period of time • Side effects from long term use, which include chronic dryness in the throat and sinuses, nosebleeds, headaches, and more
• They only treat the symptoms, and not the root cause of your chronic rhinitis

If you are diagnosed with non-allergic chronic rhinitis, conventional medications and therapies might prove inadequate in providing lasting relief. Because your symptoms are caused by overactive nasal nerves instead of allergens in the environment, the usual treatments will naturally produce disappointing or ineffectual results.

If you’re tired of temporary fixes and want real and lasting relief, then Clarifix may provide the solution you’ve been looking for. Unlike conventional therapies, Clarifix treats the source of the nasal symptoms and produces long-term results without supplementary medications, repeat treatments, or aggravating side effects.

How does Clarifix work?

Clarifix is an FDA approved cryotherapy procedure that freezes the hyperactive nerves that are causing the inflammation of the nasal tissues. This disrupts the over-signaling of the affected nerves, resulting in the dramatic reduction of nasal swelling, dripping, running, and congestion.

What are the benefits of Clarifix?

The advantages of treatment with Clarifix are numerous, which include but are not limited to:

• Long-term or permanent improvement of nasal symptoms
• Non-surgical method that causes only minimal (if any) discomfort
• Fast recovery and no downtime
• Speed and convenience—treatment is administered as an in-office procedure that can be completed in an hour and a half or less
• Proven safety and efficacy—a single treatment is enough to provide lasting relief in 4 out of 5 patients
• Extremely low risk of complications—side effects that occasionally occur are mild and temporary
• Significant decrease in the use of daily or periodic medications

How is Clarifix treatment performed?

Before the Clarifix procedure is administered, topical or local anesthetic is used to numb the area inside your nose. The Clarifix probe is gently inserted into your nostril with the guidance of an endoscopic camera. Once the inflamed nasal linings are located, the probe precisely applies freezing temperatures to calm the overactive nasal nerves. The process is then repeated for the second nostril, with total actual treatment time lasting no more than a few minutes. Many patients report a feeling of mild pressure, or a sensation of coldness in the nose or back teeth. It’s common to feel some mild discomfort during and after treatment.

How long will it take to recover from my Clarifix treatment?

In general, recovery and downtime for Clarifix is extremely fast, with most patients going back to their usual routines within a few hours after treatment. You may experience minor discomfort and increased congestion after the procedure, though this should clear up within a few days.

To speed up healing and recovery, it might be helpful to have a hot drink after your treatment and to refrain from blowing your nose for at least one week. You may also use a nasal saline spray in the meantime to ease any sinus symptoms during your recovery period. Most patients typically experience significant improvement within 2 to 6 weeks after the procedure.

Does Clarifix have serious risks or side effects?

Clarifix is an extremely safe form of cryotherapy that is minimally invasive and preserves all of the internal nasal tissues and structures, which means nothing is cut or removed during treatment. The most common adverse effects experienced by patients are increased congestion and minor pain or discomfort, which should dissipate after a few days.

How long do results from Clarifix treatment last?

The results from Clarifix have been very positive for the vast majority of patients. Clinical trials and studies have shown that around 80% of patients have experienced long-term relief from their rhinitis symptoms.

Am I a good candidate for Clarifix?

Clarifix is an outstanding treatment option if you are otherwise healthy and have moderate to severe symptoms of chronic rhinitis. However, you might not be a good candidate for Clarifix if:
• you are insensitive to cold
• you have Raynaud’s disease or some other type of circulatory disorder
• you are diabetic
• you are suffering from any type of health condition that might interfere with healing

Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are soft, benign lumps or growths that hang down from the nasal or sinus linings like fleshy sacs. They are generally harmless and asymptomatic, as long as they remain small and don’t interfere with the normal functioning of your sinuses. But if nasal polyps grow in size and number, they can lead to adverse health complications that require medical treatment.

While people of all ages can develop nasal polyps, they are much more common in adults than in children. Certain medications can be effective in reducing or even eradicating these growths, though for some patients, surgery is the only way to remove them. Even if removal treatment is successful, nasal polyps can and often do reappear in patients who are predisposed to them for various reasons.

What are the symptoms of nasal polyps?

Nasal polyps by themselves are painless and benign as long as they don’t block the proper functioning of the sinuses in any way. They only become a problem if they start to obstruct breathing and prevent sinus drainage, which can lead to chronic sinusitis, a condition characterized by the continuous inflammation of the sinuses. Nevertheless, it’s important to keep in mind that you can still develop chronic sinusitis without nasal polyps, and that nasal polyps don’t necessarily lead to serious health issues.

You may be exhibiting signs of chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps if you experience the following symptoms:
• Runny nose
• Stuffy nose/congestion
• Postnasal drip
• Decreased or lost sense of smell
• Decreased or lost sense of taste
• Facial pain and/or headache
• Pain in your upper teeth
• Feeling of pressure on your forehead and face
• Snoring
• Recurring nosebleeds

What causes nasal polyps?

Generally, nasal polyps are more likely to develop when the sinus lining is chronically inflamed from allergies and infection. However, this is not always the case with everyone. It is still unclear why some people get nasal polyps from long-term inflammation, while others never do. They can appear anywhere in the sinus pathways, but will most often form in the sinus tissues near the eyes, nose, and cheeks.

What can raise my risk of developing nasal polyps?

You may face an increased risk of developing nasal polyps if you have:

• Asthma
• Chronic or recurring sinus infections
• Allergic fungal sinusitis, which is a fungal infection of the sinuses
• Sensitivity to aspirin
• Cystic fibrosis
• Vitamin D deficiency
• Churg-Strauss Syndrome, which is a rare condition characterized by blood vessel inflammation
• A family history of nasal polyps

When should I see a doctor for my nasal polyps?

There are no set rules, but it’s always a good idea to see your doctor if your sinus symptoms are preventing you from functioning normally and have lasted longer than a week. Please seek medical attention right away if:
• your symptoms are worsening to unbearable levels
• you are straining just to breathe normally
• you observe troubling changes to your sense of smell

What complications can be caused nasal polyps?

Growing or multiplying nasal polyps can cause various health complications when they start to block airflow and sinus drainage. This triggers a self-sustaining cycle that reinforces chronic inflammation and irritation, which in turn promotes the growth and proliferation of more polyps. Potential health problems that can arise include:
• Obstructive sleep apnea (a condition that causes you to frequently stop and start breathing during sleep)
• Increased frequency and severity of asthma issues
• Increased susceptibility and recurrence of sinus infections

What can I do to prevent nasal polyps?

You can effectively reduce your risk of developing nasal polyps if you:
• Take proper precautions with managing your allergies and asthma—this means following doctor recommendations and making the effort to reduce or eliminate the triggering allergens in your environment
• Regularly practice good hygiene—this means regular washing and disinfection of the hands to prevent infection
• Use a humidifier in your home to prevent dryness in your sinuses
• Limit the use of airborne irritants such as perfume and tobacco smoke
• Don’t let mold or mildew proliferate in your home—make sure that naturally humid places like the shower and kitchen sink area are clean and dry
• Use a saline nasal spray or rinse to facilitate mucus flow and remove trapped allergens in the sinus passages

What treatments are available for nasal polyps?

There are many effective treatments for shrinking or eliminating nasal polyps, such as:
• Nasal corticosteroid sprays that reduce swelling and inflammation
• Oral or injectable corticosteroids if nasal remedies prove ineffective
• Injectable antibody blocking medication (dupilumab) to lower your body’s natural inflammatory response
• Other medications such as antihistamines for allergies and antibiotics for recurring bacterial infections to moderate chronic inflammation
• Endoscopic surgery for polyp removal

Most cases of nasal polyps respond well to medications, so surgery will only be recommended after all other measures have failed. However, the improvement from surgery may not be permanent for a good number of patients, since polyps have the potential to grow back after a few years.

Balloon Sinuplasty

If you’re suffering from chronic sinusitis, it may feel like accepting sinus pain as a fact of life is your only choice. Antibiotics and other medications haven’t worked for you, but you’re unsure if the risks and downtime of conventional sinus surgery are worth it. Fortunately, there is an effective, non-surgical solution that is proven to provide lasting relief from chronic sinus disease.

Balloon sinuplasty is an FDA approved procedure that involves the use of a delicate balloon catheter to gently open up and widen the sinus passages, By opening up these sinus passages, trapped mucus and other fluids can finally drain out, quickly alleviating the pent-up sinus pressure and pain. This method is minimally invasive, requires no removal of bone or tissue, and delivers long-lasting results that can be experienced almost immediately after treatment.

What are the benefits of balloon sinuplasty?

The advantages of undergoing balloon sinuplasty to treat chronic sinusitis are numerous, which include:
Fast recovery time-most patients are able to get back to regular activities within 24 to 48 hours after treatment Short treatment duration the procedure is performed in-office and requires no hospitalization

Dramatically reduced risk of bleeding and pain . Preservation of original sinus tissues and structures—there is no cutting or removal of
bone or tissue
     • Permanent or long-term relief from sinusitis symptoms
     • Immediate improvement in breathing
     • Reduced need or use of sinus medicines

How is balloon sinuplasty performed?

Balloon sinuplasty is performed as an outpatient office procedure, which typically takes less than an hour to complete. This procedure can be administered without anesthesia, but we offer sedation and/or local anesthesia to ensure your relaxation and comfort during treatment.

An endoscope, which is a thin tube with a camera, is inserted into your nasal passages to enable a clear view within your sinus structures. This allows the precise insertion of the catheter balloon into the constricted sinus passageways. The balloon is then steadily inflated to gently open the sinus passageways. Once this is done, the sinuses will be cleared and drained with a saline solution.

There is absolutely no cutting involved in this procedure, so you don’t have to worry about scars or other potential disfigurements that might affect your appearance.

How long will it take to recover from my balloon sinuplasty procedure?

While everyone is different, the vast majority of patients have reported improved breathing as soon as treatment is completed. Most patients are able to come back to work or school within 24 to 48 hours after the procedure, so as long as you are in good general health, you can expect to do the same. However, it is strongly advised that you refrain from strenuous physical activities for at least one to two weeks after treatment for best results.

Are there any side effects or risks from getting a balloon sinuplasty?

Balloon sinuplasty has been clinically proven to be overwhelmingly safe and effective when performed by an experienced medical practitioner. Like with any medical procedure, there are always potential risks, such as infection and injury to the sinus tissues. Thankfully, this minimally invasive treatment method ensures that the risk of adverse reactions remain exceedingly low.

How long will the results last from my balloon sinuplasty procedure?

According to numerous clinical studies, balloon sinuplasty provides consistent long-term relief, often lasting at least 2 years for an overwhelming majority of patients. How long your results can last will depend on a number of factors, such as the severity of your sinusitis condition and your overall health.

Am I a good candidate for balloon sinuplasty?

A balloon sinuplasty is an excellent treatment option if you have mild to moderate sinus disease, and if your sinusitis symptoms aren’t caused by a deviated septum (the bone and cartilage that divides the nasal cavity) or nasal polyps (soft growths inside the nasal passages).

Blepharoplasty Services

As we get older, our eyelids may start to droop and sag, which can cause us to look perpetually tired, angry, stressed, or sad. Aside from cosmetic concerns, sagging eyelids can also cause medical problems that require treatment. Drooping upper eyelids can obstruct or reduce peripheral vision, which may have a negative impact on your ability to do daily activities. Sagging lower eyelids, on the other hand, can cause chronic dry eye if the whites of the eyes are constantly overexposed. 

Blepharoplasty, otherwise known as eyelid surgery, is a surgical procedure that corrects the upper and/or lower eyelids to restore and improve the look and function of the eyes. Eyelid surgery can successfully treat and correct the following concerns:

     • Loose or excess skin and muscle that deform the upper eye contour and sometimes obstruct vision Excess fat on the eyelids that cause a puffy appearance

Undereye bags 

     • Sagging lower eyelids that expose the white under the iris 

     • Loose skin and wrinkling on the lower eyelids

What are the benefits of blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery?

There are many benefits when a blepharoplasty procedure is performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon. The natural contours of your upper eyes are revealed, leaving you with a more energized and refreshed appearance. Without the undereye bags, puffiness, and loose 

skin, your eyes naturally appear brighter, livelier, and more youthful. However, there are other unappreciated advantages, such as

Improved field of vision Reduced wrinkles on the foreheadwhen you constantly raise your eyebrows to see more clearly because of drooping upper eyelids, you inadvertently create horizontal lines on your forehead Confidence from looking as great as you actually feel-no more being asked if youre tired, sad, or angry even though you actually feel fine 

Long-term results that outlast nonsurgical eye lifting or skin tightening treatments . Very minimal scarring that is hidden or almost invisible-people will only see you, not the surgery

How long does it take to recover from blepharoplasty?

Because eyelid surgery is a relatively simple and short procedure (it’s usually performed with general or local anesthesia and takes about less than 2 hours to complete), recovery is fairly quick and generally involves only temporary swelling and bruising. There may be some residual pain after the surgery, which can be managed with non-ibuprofen-based pain medication.

Please be sure to carefully follow post-operative instructions to ensure speedy healing and the prevention of complications. You should be able to return to work and participate in social activities within 2 weeks after the procedure

Are there any risks or side effects from eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery, when performed by a qualified plastic or reconstructive surgeon, is overwhelmingly safe and complication-free for the vast majority of patients. However, like all medical procedures, eyelid surgery does carry possible risks such as:

Complications or bad reactions from anesthesia Bleeding Injury to nerves in the eye area Infection Pain Sensitivity to sunlight or bright lights Swelling and bruising (usually temporary) Visible scarring

How long will the results from eyelid surgery last?

Unlike other non-surgical treatments (laser skin rejuvenation, injectable treatments, radiofrequency, etc.), results from eyelid surgery often last between 5 to 7 years, though it can last even longer if you practice healthy lifestyle habits (regular exercise, nutritious diet, no smoking, etc.).

Am I a good candidate for blepharoplasty?

You may be a good candidate for blepharoplasty if:

     • You are in good general health with no medical issues that can slow or prevent healing

     • You have a significant amount of loose skin in the upper or lower eyelids

     • You have excess fat accumulation on the upper eyelids

     • You have moderate to severe undereye bags that are not caused by genetics

     • You are a non-smoker

Kids ENT Health

Kids ENT Health

Health Tips & Prevention



Treatments & Procedures



Health Tips & Preventionthroat


Pediatric Throat Conditions

Treatments & Procedures

Nose & Mouth

Nose & Mouth

Health Tips & Prevention

Tobacco Use


Pediatric Nose & Mouth Conditions

Treatments & Procedures



Health Tips & Preventionear

Pediatric Ear Health Tips & Prevention

Travel Tips for Your Ears



Pediatric Ear Conditions

Treatments & Procedures

Scheduling Surgery

At the time you and your doctor make the decision for surgery, a surgical scheduling agreement will be completed. We make every attempt to accommodate your preferences for dates and facilities; however, we may be limited in our ability to do this by the policies of your insurance company, availability of operating room time, and the doctors’ schedules. You should receive a call within one week from the surgery scheduling coordinator. In addition to scheduling your surgery, she will obtain pre-certification from your insurance company if necessary. An explanation of surgical billing is here. She will review your pre-operative instructions with you by telephone and will also mail you written instructions. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ THESE CAREFULLY. These instructions are to ensure that your surgical procedure is done under the safest circumstances. Please call us if you have any questions about these instructions.

In general, you should not eat or drink within 8 hours of your scheduled surgery if it is being done under general anesthesia or with sedation. This may be relaxed a little for certain procedures but you should double check with your doctor especially if you have a medical condition that requires food every few hours. You should avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, Motrin®, Advil®, Aleve®, and Vitamin E for two weeks before surgery, as these can increase the probability of bleeding complications. However, Tylenol® (acetaminophen) can be taken safely.

Parents are allowed in the operating room to help their child feel safe while they are waiting to fall asleep. However as every hospital has different procedures, please double check with your operating room. If a parent is allowed to remain with the child, please one parent only.

Pre-Operative Instructions

Click here to download this form.

Surgical Scheduling Agreement

Sleep Services

Some of the more common disorders we deal with at our Center are:

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Approximately 5% of the general population suffers from sleep_labthis chronic disorder of nighttime breathing. The patient or bed partner may notice loud snoring, pauses in breathing, or un-refreshing sleep. Over the short term, this condition causes daytime sleepiness or fatigue. Over the long term, this disorder can contribute to high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks, heart failure and diabetes. This disorder affects men and women of all ages, as well as children. This can be readily treated by our physicians.

Restless Leg Syndrome/Periodic Limb Movement of Sleep

Approximately 15% of the general population suffers from this chronic condition of discomfort in the legs and thighs. This syndrome is characterized by a ‘creepy crawly’ sensation in the legs at night that causes an uncontrollable urge to move. This disorder can continue throughout the night, causing un-restful, fragmented sleep.

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

This condition may be caused by many disorders including obstructive sleep apnea, periodic limb movement of sleep as well as chronic insufficient sleep and narcolepsy. Part of this investigation may include a sleep study.


Chronic insomnia can occur in up to 15% of the general population. Treatment can involve behavioral and pharmacologic treatment and possible sleep testing.

Services Provided:

Capital Sleep Specialists can provide many services to you directly as a patient, or as part of the care that your primary care physician provides. We also offer immediate fitting and delivery of CPAP equipment with most insurance plans.

With our large group of multispecialty physicians, we can provide clinical evaluations and treatment of your condition whether you are investigating surgical treatments for your sleep disorders or less invasive approaches. We can provide one-stop referrals for all aspects of your sleep care.

The physicians associated with Capital Sleep Specialists have ownership interest in laboratory services provided and therefore are much attuned to the quality of the center environment.

  • Easy scheduling of appointments to accommodate your needs
  • Comfort and quality in a clean, quiet, safe environment
  • Shower facilities, TVs with cable, lounge chairs and premium bedding
  • Kind, courteous staff who understand your sleep disorder
  • Queen size beds – perfect for accommodating adults spending the night with their children for pediatric sleep studies

Audiology Services

Our Audiology Department offers complete diagnostic services for adults and children, including infants. Using state-of-the-art audiometric, immittance, otoacoustic emissions (OAE), and evoked potentials equipment, we can measure hearing levels, analyze middle ear and inner ear function, and assess auditory nerve integrity. Our expertise includes age-related hearing loss and diseases of the ear, as well as newborn hearing screening. We work closely with our Ear, Nose, and Throat physicians to evaluate our patients accurately and to work towards their successful rehabilitation.

Diagnostic services are provided through our office and complete, personalized Hearing Aid services are provided through our separate Hearing Center. Hearing loss is more than an inconvenience. It can seriously affect your quality of life, interfere with your ability to communicate effectively with others, enjoy social settings, and live life to its fullest. Hearing aids can help you to function better in cases of permanent hearing loss. Our Audiologists are experts in amplification and fit the latest hearing aids from all of the leading manufacturers. We offer all sizes, styles, and levels of technology tailored to your individual needs. Our office also offers osseointegrated device/bone conduction hearing aids.

hearing_center_logoFor complete details on our
Hearing Center Silver Spring,
click here


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Medical & Surgical Services

We provide all aspects of the care encompassed by the specialty of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery: treatment of head and neck cancers, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, otology, diseases of the oral cavity, nose and paranasal sinuses, pediatric otolaryngology, and snoring / sleep apnea.

Allergy Testing – We offer a range of allergy testing including scratch testing. Home therapy treatment is available to patients that are good candidates.

Ears – ear aches, outer and middle ear infections, ear tubes for children and adults, repair of eardrums, hearing loss, hearing screening, sudden hearing loss, cholesteatoma, middle ear surgery & bone anchored hearing aids.

Mouth/Throat – tongue-tie (ankyloglossia), sore throat, tonsillitis, enlarged tonsils, pediatric sleep disordered breathing, enlarged adenoids, grinding teeth (temporomandibular joint disorder) & snoring. We can provide in-office frenectomy for newborns with feeding problems due to tongue tie.

Facial plastic and reconstructive surgery – straightening the nose (rhinoplasty), Moh’s surgery for reconstruction after skin cancer removal, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) & facelift (rhytidectomy).

Sinus / Rhinology – treatment for allergic rhinitis and sinusitis, straightening the septum (septoplasty), sinus surgery, balloon sinuplasty & image-guided sinus surgery.

Head and Neck cancers – we can arrange comprehensive care for tumors of the head and neck: mouth cancer, throat cancer & laryngeal cancer (cancer of the voice box).

Thyroid / Parathyroid disorders – we perform thyroid and parathyroid surgery with interoperative nerve monitoring.

We also have an overnight sleep center and provide innovative procedures for sleep apnea. For your convenience, we have a complete audiology division, which includes audiology testing & special testing. Our doctors and audiologists care for both adults and children.

We take pride in being able to provide you with new and innovative procedures for diagnosis and treatment, including transnasal esophagoscopy, balloon sinuplasty and bone anchored hearing aids (Cochlear BAHA and Sophono).